Andrew J Kirk
Andrew Kirk's family served in the 2/8th West Yorkshire Regiment, The Leeds Rifles. This was a well established volunteer formation before the First World War whose profile and standing has been eclipsed in modern times by the better known Leeds Pals Battalions. In depth research has revealed the fascinating story of four active Battalions of Leeds Riflemen as they journey across the Western Front contrasting the fortunes of the Infantry Divisions they were a part of and detailing their hardships, disasters, losses and triumphs. This book describes in detail for the first time the orders, operations and activities of the high morale Leeds Battalions which maintained their effectiveness, professional pride and Yorkshire grit to the very end.Andrew Kirk, now living in the East Midlands, educated at Roundhay School and Leeds University continues a career in Logistics and maintains a keen interest in Military History and the Western Front in particular.